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Following the reopening of tourist facilities, as ordered by the Government Authorities, ITALY LUX- in order to offer greater peace of mind to its customers when choosing a vacation – verify that  hotel facilities  adopt prevention measures in accordance with the indications contained in the protocols and guidelines issued by the competent national and/or international Authorities.


Each country has adopted its own measures for the prevention and containment of the spread of the Covid-19 virus, supplementing and/or modifying the WHO guidelines, which pursue the objective of preventing cases and reducing the risk of contagion, generally prescribing:


  • Possible temperature detection

  • Interpersonal distancing

  • Use of Personal Protective Equipment (masks and/or gloves)

  • Wide availability and accessibility of hand hygiene systems

  • Frequent cleaning and disinfection of rooms and facilities


With specific regard to Italian hotels, we inform you that they are required to comply with the Guidelines for the reopening of economic and productive activities issued by the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces on 16 and 22 May 2020, as well as any supplementary protocols issued by individual regions.  We would also like to inform our customers that in some cases the Regional Authorities have introduced systems for registering the entry of tourists, in order to ensure - through the local health units in charge - the "Continuity of Care Tourism" as a measure of care during the vacation and management of any cases of infection.


For any more specific and punctual information we are always monitoring  the institutional sites of the individual regions of reference protection measures against Covid-19 specifically adopted.



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